Monday, November 25, 2013

Japan Akihabara

What does Japan have to offer? What so interesting in japan? There are so many question to ask and so little to answer. One entertainment that japan have is Anime and Cosplay that is rising nowadays not just japan but the whole world. To start it off there is one place in japan that sells anime and do cosplay. This place is called Akihabara.

Akihabara is district in the Chiyoda ward of Tokyo, Japan. The name Akihabara is shortening  of Akibagahara which is "Autumn Leaf Field" which comes from Akiba , a fire-controlling god and the local name for a firefighting shrine built after the area was destroyed by a fire in 1869.

Akihabara gained a nickname Akihabara Electric Town (Akihabara Denki Gai) after the World War II for being a major shopping center for household electronic goods and the post-war black market. Nowadays, Akihabara is an Otaku culture center and a shopping district for computer goods, video games, anime and manga. Icons from popular anime and manga are displayed prominently on the shops in the area, and numerous Maid Cafes can be found throughout the district. Some people view Akihabara and Otaku in a general negative light based on the male-oriented depictions in anime and manga. 

This is some images some of the places in Akihabara.

This video about a girl strolling in Akihabara.

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